Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Childhood delights

Yeah, it would have been the most desired treat in my childhood. As they say simple things make everyone happy and such childhood delights have the power to make most kids happy. Sometimes on the way back from school, I would buy a packet or two . They were usually heavily stocked in penny candy stalls near schools and sometimes in the school canteens/tuckshops. They were some of my favorite treats at school and were the cheapest treats then. I am glad that such childhood delights are still around for the younger ones to savour. Such childhood delights of old are still new.

Spicy biscuit/Biskut rempah

<Icing biscuit/Roti Hua/Flower biscuit


  1. What a trip down memory with these delights! I remember eating all the biscuts first and keep the icing to enjoy later! How did you eat the icing biscuits?

  2. Hi Yan,

    It's the other way round for me. Iate the icing first and then very reluctantly ate the biscuits. When no one is looking, I sometimes just threw the biscuits away. But it is interesting that you "save the best for last". Remember that song?


  3. In fact I have bought these biscuits to photograph and write about my childhood joys of eating them.

    Well you have beaten me to it!

    Good photos and nice writing!

  4. Sarawakiana,

    You can still write something on the biscuits. I would love to hear your perspective of such delights!


  5. Hey, by the way, we called that "lo-ti-hua" (it's roti flower) - suddenly I remember!
